How Hypnosis Works

Hypnosis may sound strange. But as with many things in this world, from the force of gravity to the mechanisms of psychotherapy, we understand it rather well. According to David Spiegel, a psychiatrist and prolific researcher, hypnosis involves three distinct processes:

1.      Absorption

2.      Dissociation

3.      Enhanced Cognitive Flexibility

Following that order, I’ll elaborate.


Have you, dear reader, ever been so engrossed in a movie that you forgot what time it was? Or maybe you’ve driven to work while thinking through a problem without needing to pay attention to the road? We have all likely experienced absorption, the feeling of being intensely focused, immersed, and engaged in something. This feeling is usually pleasurable. That’s because focusing feels good. And if we are zoomed in intensely on one thing, there are many things we could be doing or thinking about - but aren’t. To be absorbed in something forms one key pillar in any hypnotic experience. In fact, to be absorbed in something deeply is a hypnotic experience.


The opposite of dissociating is associating. We all engage in associations – it’s a word that describes the connections between things. When it rains, there is an association between people who walk to work carrying umbrellas. To associate is to make connections and build bridges between things. To dissociate, then, is to be an island with no bridges; it involves severing ties, cutting chains, and narrowing down. This is intimately linked to absorption: because when we are deeply engaged in something, we are also engaging in dissociation. Again, this is a state where there are many things we could be focusing on, but we aren’t. Instead, like a microscope, our energy is aimed towards one narrow focus.

Enhanced Cognitive Flexibility

It might seem counter-intuitive, but absorption and dissociation bring with them flexible thinking. Because when in this state of intense focus, a person can begin to try out new ways of thinking. Humans, need I remind you, are inherently imaginative creatures. That is, every single day, we use our imaginations to create mental maps and pictures, thinking to ourselves: what would happen if this, what happens if that? We engage imaginative thought when we look to cross the road, to solve problems at work, and when having conversations with friends. When in a state of hyperfocus – which is the essence of hypnosis – a person can methodically begin to try out new ideas, such as how to reduce pain, stress, or anxiety. In a state of highly focused attention, there is little interference from distraction and difficult emotions. And thus in hypnosis, while some roads close, a new road is clear – allowing a person to try out new ways of thinking in a creative and constructive manner.

 Hypnosis, The Therapist, and You

Hypnosis, then, is a state of highly focused attention. Because in hypnosis, people can avoid distraction, park their difficult emotions, and hyperfocus on solutions to their problems. It is easy to see how the combination of absorption, dissociation, and enhanced cognitive flexibility could be used therapeutically. While a person is focused, the therapist can make useful suggestions to a client – a client that is receptive to new ideas. Even better, client and therapist can discuss ideas before doing hypnosis, and then choose a goal for the focused hypnosis session. And that’s what a typical session of hypnotherapy looks like – first, a collaborative therapeutic discussion, and then a hypnosis session that hones in on new ideas, perspectives, and solutions.



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